Thursday, March 25, 2021



§  Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes:
I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); London is a large city (hecho general)
§  Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
§  Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros:
Your exam starts at 09.00.
§  Hábitos y rutinas
He drinks tea at breakfast.
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.
§  Eventos y acciones repetidos
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Monaco every summer.
§  Hechos generales
Water freezes at zero degrees.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Her mother is Peruvian.
§  Instrucciones o indicaciones
Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water.
You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford.
§  Eventos programados
His mother arrives tomorrow.
Our holiday starts on the 26th March
Normally in the present tense we add S to the end of the verb in the 3rd person (He, She, It).
Verb3rd Person
  • He speaks three languages.
  • She drinks coffee every morning.
  • My dog hates my cat.

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs in English in the present tense follow very simple rules. The only change that is made to these verbs is in the third person – for He, She or It.
1. If the verb ends in SSXCHSH or the letter O, we add + ES in the third person.
Verb3rd Person
  • A mechanic fixes cars.
  • She watches soap operas every afternoon.
  • He kisses his wife before he goes to work.

2. If the verb ends in a Consonant + Y, we remove the Y and + IES in the third person.
Verb3rd Person
  • Isabel studies every night.
  • The baby cries all the time.
  • He denies all responsibility.

Negative Sentence

To form the negative we use the auxiliary do not. Again, the only variation occurs in the 3rd person where we use does not.

I talkI do not talk
She talksShe does not talk
You sleepYou do not sleep
He sleepsHe does not sleep
Carol studiesCarol does not study
We studyWe do not study

In the negative, the main verb is always in the bare infinitive (without TO). It doesn't change for the third person. We don't put an S on the end of the verb in the negative form. In the examples above - talk, sleep and study do not change in the 3rd person.
  • He speaks Italian
    He doesn't speak Italian.
Remember: Do not can be abbreviated to Don't and Does not can be abbreviated to Doesn't.

Word Order of Questions with Do and Does

The following is the word order to construct a basic question in English using Do or Does.
Do/DoesSubjectVerb*The rest of the sentence
DoI / you / we / theyhave / buy
eat / like etc.
cereal for breakfast?
Doeshe / she / it
*Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the infinitive = The infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.
Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is conjugated (changed) and it begins with TO. For example: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.
Making questions in English with DO and DOES
Examples of Questions with Do and Does:
  • Do you speak English?
  • Does John speak French?
  • Do we have time for a quick drink?
  • Does it rain a lot in the South?
  • Do they want to come with me?
  • Does she like chocolate?

Short Answers with Do and Does

In questions that use do/does it is possible to give short answers to direct questions as follows:
Sample QuestionsShort Answer
Short Answer
Do you speak English?Yes, I do.No, I don't.
Do I need a dictionary?Yes, you do.No, you don't.
Do you both speak English?Yes, we do.No, we don't.
Do they speak English?Yes, they do.No, they don't.
Does he speak English?Yes, he does.No, he doesn't.
Does she speak English?Yes, she does.No, she doesn't.
Does it have four legs?Yes, it does.No, it doesn't.
However, if a question word such as whowhenwherewhywhich or how is used in the question, you can not use the short answers above to respond to the question.

Question Words with Do and Does

The order for making sentences with Questions words is the following:
Question WordDo/DoesSubjectVerb
Whatdoyouhave for breakfast?
Whatdoesshehave for breakfast?
Howdoyouspell your name?

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